Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Poorly Designed Infographics

I found this site from a post in the forum of the MOOC class, Geospatial Revolution I am taking.

16 useless infographics . This gives you examples of poorly designed maps.  I have placed below the worst of the worst.

This map is 3 maps on top of each other. Sometimes you can overlay data, but not in this case. 

This map has four people representing roughly 43,000 nurses and then jumps by 28 more people for only a 3,000 increase in nurses!
This is showing when the Android is released. The long the color block the more usage? It does not explain much here. 
This map is showing two different thing one for child poverty and the other for schools needing improvement. It looks like the left is subcounties and the right is of counties. 
This could have been a interesting map if the slices corresponded with the amount of time people spend on the site. This makes it look like we all use each website for the same amount of time. 

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